Melodics was conceived by Sam Gribben, the former CEO of DJ software company Serato, in the summer of 2014. Having finished up at Serato after a decade at the helm, Sam was ready for a new challenge.
Sam’s deep domain expertise and personal experience immediately impressed us. Having worked with some of the biggest artists in the music world, and with the international companies who built the instruments and controllers they used, he realised that learning to play a musical instrument is hard and practice can be boring. The approach hasn’t changed in hundreds of years — watching someone else and copying them. Melodics set out on a quest to bring the joy of playing music to everyone, and create a whole new way to learn the music you love. Real-time performance feedback lets you learn as you play.
Melodics started out with pad drumming, and now offers lessons for both drums and keyboards. Our latest investment supported the launch of Songs, a proprietary curriculum using popular music you want to listen to. Learning is enhanced with deliberate practice methods and advanced tools to teach complex techniques.
Some Melodics customers have played instruments every day for years. But Sam’s favourite stories are from people who started from zero and are now playing with bands and releasing music of their own.